"We haven't inherited resources from our ancestors, but have borrowed them from our children"
Sustainability requires that we see the world as an integrated system that connects businesses to both society and the environment. With the mission to make our business sustainable, we focus on manufacturing products through processes that minimize negative environmental impacts by conserving energy and natural resources, while at the same time are economically-sound.

Water conservation is the need of the hour and we do our bit by enhancing our production processes that limitthe use of water in every possible way.
We have constructed a Rainwater Harvesting Tank which can hold up to 8 crore litres of water. Our manufacturing setup has a Zero Liquid Discharge unit that recycles and purifies the wastewater, thereby, leaving negligible discharge at the end of the treatment process. The unit is equipped with a Wastewater Treatment Plant which recycles up to 98% of the effluent, thereby, limiting the net consumption of fresh water.
Energy Conservation
The need for energy conservation has assumed paramount importance in the textile industry with the rising energy cost on the one hand and the severe energy shortage on the other.
Premo Denim, a leading vertically integrated textile manufacturing company, has been continually working on energy conservation through improved operational and maintenance practices. In line with its commitment to conservation of natural resources, all its units continue making efficient use of energy.
The company replaced illuminating devices with energy-efficient ones and ensured optimal utilization of the equipments. It also ensured full suction pressure using the OHTC dust collection system in the ring frame, speed frame, link coner areas and the TFO machines in spinning plants.

Recycled Waste Materials
Considering the larger schema of a sustainable environment, waste management has never been more important than it is today.
One of the major ways that textiles are helping in reducing pollution is by creating clothing and fabrics from waste materials like PET (polyethylene terephthalate). The process begins with melting the plastic into pellets and then firming chips. These chips are spun into threads and smaller fibre yarns, which later undergo stapling with different fibre varieties, as required, to create full-length recycled yarn.
The recycling process not only helps in reducing plastic pollution in the world but also helps in reducing landfills, lesser use of virgin fibres, lower pollution emissions, and lesser use of harmful chemicals and dyes.